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March 04, 2011


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Really, you are asking me to fry feta? Are you really sure? Because I really really like feta and thought of frying it makes me a little nervous. That said, it all looks wonderful. Paul, it will be so worth if when you have your wonderfully straight beautiful teeth in the end.


Apparently this is quite a traditional recipe - I certainly didn't see it when I was in Greece but perhaps it is regional. Whatever - the fried feta cubes are so good . . . I may have made extra and eaten them all myself whilst no one was looking *smile*

Sublime Wanderer

Thank you for dropping by my blog. This food shot made me hungry (as always hehe).


Definitely a keeper Jerry!!!!!


I know Sublime - you have to be so carefule to not visit blogs while hungry! *smile*

It sure was bellini!

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