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March 20, 2011


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I LOVE San Francisco!!!I am sure you have plenty of things planned but I find when I travel alone it is nice to hook up with other people for tours,etc. There are food tours of Little Italy, a food tour also of the area in Berkely where Chez Panisse is located. Last time I had a historical tour of Chinatown so saw the area in a whole new light. They have ghost tours and also wine tours to Napa and of the Ferry Building. For someone travelling alone there is so much to do and see!!!!

sandi @the whistlestop cafe

Why can't we be neighbors?


Have a fantastic trip!


Countless things to do in San Fran to use up all your time quickly...safe and speedy travel...and don't forget to bring back a gift for Paul...since he has to stay behind and all. The chicken looks wonderful...as usual.


I know what you mean Bellini - it is such a wonderful foodie destination - I am always overwhelmed wanting to bring it all home. This trip I'm on a hunt for chocolate, coffee, and vino!

Why Sandi . . . so you can come by and take care of Paolo in my absence?

I will sandra. It will be hard but I shall do my best. LOL

I have a special treat in mind for him Kayte.

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