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March 11, 2011


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Cooking Light is really coming in handy. I am addicted to the Fallen Chocolate Cake I just made from CL, certainly not as calorie conscious as your Pad Thai:D


This sounds wonderful and definitely worth the savings in calories, etc. I have a question...fish sauce is something I can taste as fishy and no matter how many flavors are in there, I still taste it and dislike that. Is there something to sub for that or just leave it out and call it a day? It's the same with anchovies for me, I know everyone says you can't taste them, but I always always can taste them and I put my fork down after one bite.


This is funny...I had to go back and look at the recipe when you said it did not call for cilantro as I was sure that it did. But, it doesn't. I have thrown some in both times--must just have been inbred knowledge. Think I'll try your other additions next time. It is good, though, isn't it? The tortilla soup (think it was the March issue) is really good, too.


The chocolate cake sounds amazing bellini (even if it didn't photograph very well. *smile*)

I don't know about that Kayte - it is used to give the distinctive salty taste in asian foods. I'm not sure if there is a sub that would eb worth it. I have come to love it in foods but would never eat it on its own. LOL

Funny how that happens Jane - we just add things that we instinctively know should be in the dish!

I can't wait to try that tortilla soup1

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