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April 18, 2011


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I can so relate after 40 years of education. Diane Ratvich was one of my inspirations.

I taught math in middle school and high school mathematics. I was a mathematics consultant for Saxon Publishers for 13 years.

The politics of the textbook adoption process of some states is restricting the educational progress.

The roadblocks for teachers are getting greater and not becoming helpful.


Love this entry, Jerry! May I post a link to it on my FB Page? My many disheartened teacher friends would love it too!


mstoddard - welcome to the blog! I know what you mean about those roadblocks. So many teachers say 'if I could just teach . . .'

Share away sheri. I thought of you when I typed it actually. *smile*

Kathy (Trekcapri)

Hi Jerry, very thought provoking post. I know some people who work in the school system and I really feel for the challenges they face daily these days and for their frustrations. I am so impressed with their dedication, given their challenges.

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