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August 09, 2011


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Ontraio and Quebec are steeped in history Jerry.

Barb Cabot

Thank you for the historical background on this estate. Lovely grounds. I would love to explore this area of the world sometime.


Oh, I hope some of this makes the questionnaire for Canada Day next year as I read it all, so I think I can get something on this right next year! Very nice read/fun to see it and learn about it.

sandi @the whistlestop cafe

Thanks for the trip! Maybe one day I will get there... you think?


True bellini - and to think we rarely spend time exploring it.

When you come up Barb be sure to let us know. We'd be happy to play tour guide.

I'll have to remember that Kayte - a 'gimme' question for YOU!

Not as long as Italy exists Sandi . . . :-)

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