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August 31, 2011


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Good choice, and great timing! Flank steak is one of two ways we choose weekly to add beef into our diet for dinner around here...that said, now that Matt is gone (and his swimmer appetite with him), and flank steaks always seem to come one size, my choice is either to split it in half and have it twice (there goes our other beef choice for the week) or find a way to use it more creatively...like this sandwich. We seem to use it for fajitas or slung over a salad but that's the end of my creativity so far. Thanks for this one to add in.


I know what you mean Kayte - some flank steaks are GIANT!

We've started slicing off thick slices of cooked flank steak and freezing them individually wrapped in saran warp. I pull some out whenever I need some steak for wraps, on a salad or whatever.

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