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October 06, 2011


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Funny how we prepare for a vacation. Just the other day I bought a pair of really light hiking boots for my trip to Italy which is a year away. I will have to pick your brain when you get back aboutr taxi tariffs, etc. Have an absolutely wonderful time Jerry!!!!!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!!! And I am looking into that iPad myself or a Mac Air.

Kathryn Gerth

Gone are the days of tossing everything in a bag, heading out, and winging it...ah, to be that young and carefree again, right? Hope you have a wonderful trip, safe and speedy travel to you all. And, don't forget, send posts and photos!! After all, want to make sure that new camera equipment is broken in well by the time your feet touch Canadian ground again! Enjoy, enjoy!


Ahh, Jerry, I know the feeling - so many trip things to do and so little time.

What gets done, gets done - what does not get done can't be that important. You'll survive AND you will be in Italy!

Shelagh (SJ)

You are a mere amateur when compared with me!!!!!
I make so many lists, and copies, and reconfirmations, and lists to leave at home, and itineraries to leave with a dozen friends and relatives......etc, etc, etc.
I also am guilty of buying things that I can't live without on a trip.(The night before, or even the day I'm leaving.)
Have a great time!!!


Jerry, we are all feeling very sorry for you and playing the violins. And...I live with a compulsive may who always finds that he needs to clean every cupboard in the house the morning we are leaving. Drives me crazy as I can go whole years without cleaning them. Anyway, have a simply marvelous time!


*smile* so apparently my lists are mild in comparison with what other people have - good to know!

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