It's amazing the things that take over as a vacation approaches . . .
Work is a given. It seems that the powers that be sense your looming absence and decide to throw every wee bit of hell your way - some would suggest that it happens to punish you for the audacity of taking time off. Me, being the bright, positive thing that I am (see, vacation Jerry HAS arrived) prefers to think it is designed to make you appreciate your vacation that much more.
This time it has been so special that I have an international roaming plan placed on my BB and my work lap top in tow. This is a first.
Not a happy first, but a first. I've managed to farm a few things out but there are some things on the go that it was just to hard to farm out to anyone else (although, of course were I flattened by a bus they'd be farmed out in sharp order).
Enough about work.
Going on a vacation is work. Not work work but work nonetheless. I spent hours yesterday printing off confirmations, addresses, and phone numbers. Filing it all so that Ican find it in when I need it. Multiple e-mails cofirming details. Naples taxi tariff charts to pull out in a flash when the taxi driver threatens to overcharge us . . . that sort of thing.
Goingon vacation is time consuming. Funny thing, that. Here's how it works . . . I've been stashing away euros for the past 8 months. I went to the bank to make a withdrawal from my euro account and they had nothing left but 20s. I was left with a pile of bills so thick it would raise my right butt cheek about an inch higher than the left if I could manage to put them in my wallet, then stuff my allet in my pocket, and then sit. this wouldn't do. Then I had to line up at another bank to see if they would transfer them to larger bills. Happily they had a supply of 500s, 200s, 100s, and 50s so my big pile of bills got readjusted. But all of this took time.
Then there is the affliction known as trip craziness - this sudden belief that you have to purchase things just prior to heading out. For us we needed a new lap top case, packing cubes, and tiny packing pouches to organize everything. Yes, we've packed for years without them but this time I was unable to go to Italy without spending $ 200 on these things.
Of course I needed a new lens for my camera. That wasn't so bad - it was on sale. The second lens I couldn't live without was NOT. Nor were the filters I had to buy for the lenses. Then the new lens wouldn't fit in my old camera bag. No doubt I'll get to Italy and discover that they don't work and that I don't know how the hell to use them properly.
Trip to camera store = $ 1000. Heck, I should have bought that iPad I've been coveting and been happy.
Now I'm worried that my memory card won't hold enough pictures (a crazy thought since I'll be backing them up on my lap top every day).
This morning as I drove Paolo to work he informed me that he needed a new knapsack. I think we have about 50 in the house but his trip won't be complete without a new one. Having just spent a load o'cash on new camera toys I shall shut up and get him a new knapsack.
It goes on . . my benefits card - the one confirming international coverage - was no where ot be found. Finally it was located under the bed. How did it get there? I suspect that the cats know but they aren't talking.
and on . . .
Last night I took a break from all of this. we're in the midst of an election campaign here in Ontario. Actually midst is a stretch - today is voting day. The polls close while I'm in the air - for the first time since I was about 11 I won't be watching the results pour in over the TV. You can bet the second the plane touches down in Rome my BB will be open and I'll be checking the results.
Don't worry - we have all voted.
Anyway. Yesterday I was invited to the final rally by the Premier. I took mom - imagine being 70 and never having attended a political rally! It was cool - excited crowds, room bursting at the seams, laughter, singing, music, dancing, cheering, chanting, and a (thankfully) short speech.
Somehow mom snuck in front of me - that is her red jacket in front of that guy with the red hat. She was about four people from the premier which was cool for her.
Now off to get hair cut, buy lap top, do the final packing, and wait . . .
hmmm - perhaps I need to prepare the gardens for the fall . . . freeze the herbs . . . vacuum and clean so the house sitter doesn't think we're pigs . . . it goes on and on.
Funny how we prepare for a vacation. Just the other day I bought a pair of really light hiking boots for my trip to Italy which is a year away. I will have to pick your brain when you get back aboutr taxi tariffs, etc. Have an absolutely wonderful time Jerry!!!!!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!!! And I am looking into that iPad myself or a Mac Air.
Posted by: bellini | October 06, 2011 at 08:42 AM
Gone are the days of tossing everything in a bag, heading out, and winging it...ah, to be that young and carefree again, right? Hope you have a wonderful trip, safe and speedy travel to you all. And, don't forget, send posts and photos!! After all, want to make sure that new camera equipment is broken in well by the time your feet touch Canadian ground again! Enjoy, enjoy!
Posted by: Kathryn Gerth | October 06, 2011 at 10:23 AM
Ahh, Jerry, I know the feeling - so many trip things to do and so little time.
What gets done, gets done - what does not get done can't be that important. You'll survive AND you will be in Italy!
Posted by: nancyhol | October 06, 2011 at 11:59 AM
You are a mere amateur when compared with me!!!!!
I make so many lists, and copies, and reconfirmations, and lists to leave at home, and itineraries to leave with a dozen friends and relatives......etc, etc, etc.
I also am guilty of buying things that I can't live without on a trip.(The night before, or even the day I'm leaving.)
Have a great time!!!
Posted by: Shelagh (SJ) | October 06, 2011 at 01:45 PM
Jerry, we are all feeling very sorry for you and playing the violins. And...I live with a compulsive may who always finds that he needs to clean every cupboard in the house the morning we are leaving. Drives me crazy as I can go whole years without cleaning them. Anyway, have a simply marvelous time!
Posted by: Jane | October 06, 2011 at 07:58 PM
*smile* so apparently my lists are mild in comparison with what other people have - good to know!
Posted by: JDeQ | November 06, 2011 at 07:19 AM