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February 15, 2012


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Barb Cabot

Lovely dinner as would not be a surprise but your last sentence really tugged at my heart strings. You really hit the mark on that one. Lucky in love that's what you are! Really lovely this whole post. I'm going to make this complete dinner sometime. Fantastic!


So pretty, all of it. Looks like a perfect celebration and next year, I'm sure will be even better. Hope Paul is feeling better now.


The whole menu sounds fabulous! I asked Luigi if he missed Uncle Jerry and Uncle Paul, and he ran and got his lobster!


yup, it was a fine meal with better company.:-)

Kayte - Paul is starting to feel better but he has now infected me. ARGH It is rare for me to get sick so soon after my last horrid cold.

That luigi is a very smart boy Palma - it must be his parents!

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