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April 13, 2012


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Hi there,

we've recently launched the site RecipesUS.com where users can search through hundreds of thousands of recipes from American food sites and food blogs.

We noticed that you have a great number of tasty recipes in your blog (http://jdeq.typepad.com/jerrys_thoughts_musings_a/) and we would like to suggest you have a look at our Top Food Blogs section here: http://www.recipesus.com/top-food-blogs

If you want to add your food blog to the list and have your recipes indexed on RecipesUS.com all you have to do is follow the instructions here: http://www.recipesus.com/add-your-food-blog

Our concept is already live in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Spain, we deliver thousands of visitors to food blogs daily. Some of the top food blogs receive 20,000+ visitors from us on a weekly basis.

Hopefully your food blog will be up there in the top!

Warm regards,
RecipesUS.com, Hittarecept.se, Findeopskrifter.dk, Alleoppskrifter.no, Todareceta.es


Thanks Pauline - will be sure to check it out.


So, did you check out Pauline's deal and what did you decide? Just curious.

This recipe looks wonderful, and I love the fact that you can bake part of the way the night before and finish baking before the party...can't have too many of those recipes.


I haven't followed through Kayte. I've been decidedly lazy lately!

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