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July 29, 2012


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I am all for cooking local as much as humanly possible. Hand plucking some tomatoes and throwing them in a dish is the ultimate!!!


Great recipe...and it looks beautifully parked in that dish. We grow the little tomatoes in the large deck pots as well...and I grow four pots because I have to share them with two little chipmunks we affectionately call Chip and Dale. They are very cute, I will say that, they run along the deck and hussle up the pot or jump down from a bit of railing, steal a tom and head down onto the deck to chuck it open and make a real mess while eating. Vash can hardly stand it looking through the door to the deck barking like crazy. It phases them not in the least and they happily munch away. I am counting it as food AND entertainment! Nice post...I'm with you, let's eat fresh what we can when we can. Then we get to dip into the sundried tomato season...yum!


Funny story Kayte - the chipmunks here just see to eat seeds we put out the the birds (and bury mouthfulls around the garden which gives rise to interesting plants sprouting all over the place. LOL)

It is one of life's simple peasures isn't it bellini! I'm making my cooking light supper club recipe this afternoon - so far so good. :-)


Mmmm Jerry, I can just taste all of these great fresh flavors in the pasta! I love it when pasta is prepared so simply as this! I'm going to stop by again for the results of your tomato pie. Since last week I've been collecting about 10 recipes to put another version together. Can't wait to read yours!!!!


You're right - those flavours of fresh from the garden tomatoes just can't be beaten can they?

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