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March 06, 2013


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Awww, thanks for the flowers Jerry. Also for this delicious salmon recipe. In Scotland and Ireland and maybe even England salmon is quite popular so excellent choice for a special day.


Oh, that does look like a fine St. Patty's Day dinner to me...and poor Dante, he deserves a wee bite, now doesn't he?? It's nice to see a photo of him as I am currently petless and am enjoying all my friends' pets in the interim. He looks so soft and cuddly.


Jerry! Killer salmon recipe! We are huge fans of salmon in our house ... a quick sauce like this one is perfect over pan-seared! The addition of those pickle-y shaved cucumbers makes this dish stellar! Thanks for the green ideas!


Kayte - Dante is a huge ham! He is also very comforting and seems to know when you're under the weather. He has been sleeping a lot with me while I have been ill.

This was a great salmon dish. I particularly liked the cooking method where the fish was steamed to a finish in the white wine.

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