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September 22, 2013


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Oh, you are so kind. My cooking is what it is in part thanks to all the recipes I have seen and stolen from your blog! I love your blog...it has a great mix of things, I never know what I will find when I come visiting: cooking, book/art/cultural reviews, travel, photos (great photos), pet news, comics, political commentary, humor, seriousness, etc....always a lot of variety and a lot of fun. It's been consistent over all these years. And, yes, I preface many things with "my friend, Jerry...." because I'm very often sending people to your blog for travel/cooking suggestions. It's always fun cooking something and knowing you tried it out first. It's only a matter of time until you end up with something in Indiana or I end up with something near you and we can sit down to a lunch together. Sooner rather than later...well, as soon as I get this swimmer graduated from college so my travel time can encompass more than just swim meet venues (not a complaint but a looking forward to the next chapter observation). Hope you enjoy cooking Italian recipes from grandmothers...I always think of you first when I see Italian cookbooks, and this one is her newest.

michele Harrison

Agree with your comments about the internet. It is a wonderful communication and reference tool.

In 10 years time or so , I will ask our 16 year old niece the same question as she has not known any other world. I wonder what she will say has been most significant for her?

Happy belated birthday . Is this the milestone birthday that includes a trip to Italy?



I've made two recipes form it now Kayte and they have all been wonderful. Ican not wait to try more.

Thanks Michele.The milestone is NEXT year - the big 50. -)

Imagine a world where all you have known is technology? I guess I was the cusp generation on that one. Sort of like my grandparents were with transportation.

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