It's been about 4 weeks since we started to receive our CSA deliveries. That first one was delivered in the midst of a late winter storm, happily the weather has turned more mild and most of our snow is gone.
We are receiving e-mails like this from the farm:
Finally, almost all of the snow has melted on our farm & the sun is warming our unheated greenhouses. Everything in the greenhouses is sprouting up, in a month or so our crops of Kale, Green Onions, & Garlic will be in your Shares!
Our shares are predominantly root vegetables and apples which have been stored since harvest last fall, greens and soft vegetables from greenhouses, mushrooms, and eggs. Generally each week is different so you don't have an opportunity to get sick of one vegetable or another.
This was our latest delivery:
Dante is as excited as we are to see what is inside.
Some of my initial thoughts on the CSA - we are enjoying thinking about our menus differently - using what we have on hand rather than what we crave; we are wasting far less food than we used to; and our grocery budget has dropped.
We'll see how this goes as we continue throughout the year. I can imagine that folks would be getting mighty sick of root veggies by now if the boxes weren't supplemented with organics grown in area greenhouses!