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January 30, 2015


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LOL on the year being only 29 days old. What fun to see your photo of the recipe...and to think of you making and eating these as well. Let's see...we've been blogging buddies since April of 2007...almost 8 years now...yours was the first blog I officially followed on a blog reader, I loved that it was filled with all kinds of interesting things, and I'm even happier checking in now as the material is always wonderful, and well, after all these years, it feels the "virtual" is just a minor technicality! At some point I'll end up there or you'll end up here and we can scuttle that virtual part altogether! :-) Your polpette look wonderful!


It is hard to believe it has been that long. I started this as a New year's challenge all those years ago and here I'm still blathering away.LOL

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