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May 20, 2015


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Well Happy Anniversary! I know what you mean, where do those years go so quickly? On June 2 we will have logged 37 years and I think there is every indication that we are probably going for 38 once we past that day. :-) Not bad for someone who decided not to take his last name for 14 years in case it didn't work out, or wear a wedding ring until the boys were here (Mark felt I should have a ring so people wouldn't think I was an unwed mother...lol). It's been a great run, as from all indications has been yours and Paul's! Here's to number 18 and counting! :-)


Thanks Kayte! Love the stories of your early years - no doubt tat was the cause od considerable family gossip. :-)


LOL...well there isn't anyone in the family who doesn't think I usually do my things MY way and I am always perfectly happy to let others do their things THEIR way as well. :-)


Indeed - it is how most families roll to some extent.

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