The Annual Meeting is such a long week of work that by the end of it I confess to not being much good for anything. For the past few years I have hopped into a car with my friends Nancy and Joanne and headed off somewhere to decompress. We generally have a weekend of relaxation - eating, drinking, shopping, giggles, and maybe, just maybe, a hike thrown in for good measure (anything to say we were not slugs for the entire time).
This year we ended up in Great Barrington in the heart of the Berkshires.
It is about a 6 hour drive from home but we extended it . . . inadvertently by me choosing a bad line at the border and by plan when we pulled off at Syracuse for what was are billed to be the best chicken wings in the world. Those wings were pretty yummy but more research is needed prior to my being able to support that claim.
We found the house we had rented with no difficulty and everything was as expected.
Once we were settled in we popped into town for provisions - largely wine, bread, cheese, meats, chips, cookies, ice cream, coffee, and coffee cream.
We did buy that bag of lettuce but really that is just so we feel better about our poor food choices.
Rather than go out we sat around drinking, nibbling, and watching TV. I think the theme for the weekend is sipping and grazing.
Yesterday started with good intentions. We were going to go to the outlet mall nearby and then climb monument mountain.
I did pop out to the bakery early in the morning.
When I got back into the town I visited the Farmer's Market.
Of course, rather than stop up on vegetables and fruits I bought a pie, bagels, and scones. LOL
When I got back to the house everyone was ready to head out. We wandered around the outlet all for a few hours (and I hopefully . . . or in a delusional state . . . bought some clothing a few sizes smaller . . . :-) particularly given the provisions we had purchased so far this weekend).
On the way back we stopped in Stockbridge where there was an outdoor art show. Parking was a nightmare and we parked a million miles away but on the flip side, I made my FitBit step goal. The art show had some nice stuff, some crap, some stuff that just wasn't 'me', and some stuff that was 'what were they thinking?'. I bought a large piece of garden art which barely fit in the car - getting that home should be a treat.
Stockbridge had some gorgeous old homes from the late 1770s and early 180os. I'd certainly go bakc and wander about on a NON art show weekend.
We passed monument mountain on the way home - without stopping. In our defense it was quite hot. We were tired. We were hungry. I needed a nap. We decided it might be better to slay the mountain Sunday morning. We figured we'd head back to Great Barrington, have some lunch, have a nap, and spend the rest of the day wandering the town.
Well, we had lunch.
(do not judge, I only ate half of my grinder - what they call submarine sandwiches here in the NE)
I napped . . . boy did I nap! I woke up at 5:30 and most of the shops closed at 6:00.
We changed our plans again - in full grazing mode, we hung around the house reading, watching TV, eating and drinking.
It means a BUSY Sunday but surely we are up to that challenge?