I turned 53 more than a week ago now but haven't one my usual birthday 'round up' post yet.
It really was a sort of anti-climatic event to be honest.
On the day of my birthday I was in Ottawa for a meeting. It was the last day so I had to pack up the hotel room and get everything ready to go so we could make our 1 PM check out. The meeting itself went from 9 - 1.
The day started out well with cupcakes from my colleagues.
There you go. That WAS the hi-light of the day.
The meeting itself finished up right on time. I called for the car to be brought up while Paul arranged for a cart to bring down all of the stuff. We were in a bit of a rush since we had a long drive ahead of us.
We made one stop - I loaded up on croissants, treats, and bread from my favourite bakery. Once the car was full of tantalizing smells we were off.
The drive from Ottawa is normally about 5 hours. Unfortunately the weather was bad, it was a Friday afternoon, there were accidents, and construction. It took us closer to 6 hours to get home.
You know what a joy drives like that are.
My celebratory birthday dinner was a burger from Burger King at a roadside stop.
Happily we were able to take a new highway to the 407 toll route and once we did that we sailed along. The 412 isn't THAT new but I guess it is new enough that my GPS showed us driving through farmers' fields. We had a good laugh at how the device almost lost its mind trying to recalculate the route.
When we arrived home Beckett needed plenty of attention. Even though Leslie gave him lots of love it just was not enough apparently.
As soon as the car was unloaded I lay down for a rest . . . the next thing I knew it was 9:00!
Happy Birthday. LOL
We ended up celebrating on Monday night. We did a Tuscan themed meal with an amazing 2.5 inch t-bone steak grilled in the Tuscan style, sauteed greens, Tuscan white beans, salad, and baked potato (nothing Tuscan about THAT but I had some double stuffed potatoes in the freezer and we are trying to use what we have).
We had assorted cheeses to start with.
Of course we had cake and gifts!
At my age a birthday is just another day It matters not when you celebrate or how just that you still can. :-)